Boost your Creativity

Want to know how to boost your creativity in the studio, whether you are a new artist, dabbling in painting, wanting to be more creative or an experienced artist looking for ways to boost your creativity… you go….

1. Start on a Positive Note.

When you start your morning feeling happy, that positivity can carry on to the rest of your day into the studio. And, the best way to get on board this positivity train is by counting your accomplishments and acknowledging what has gone right.
Get a small notebook and take five minutes before rolling out of bed to jot down three things you are thankful for that day, when you take a step back and reflect on how much you have going for yourself, negativity will melt away and you can concentrate on creating your best art.

2. Eat Your Way to Better Art.

It’s no secret that starting your day with a hearty breakfast helps fuel your brain power. While it’s tempting to grab a snack bar on your way out the door or fill up on a cup of coffee, this will only make you crash later on in the day. Your creativity will stop in its tracks, and nobody wants that. So, make breakfast into a moment of peace before the busy day starts, and practice mindfulness.

3. Get the Creative Juices Flowing.

Another great option for your breakfast break is to start warming up your creativity for the rest of the day. How? Store some paper and pencils close by for doodling or crack open an adult coloring book….great activities that are low-key and relaxing, but enough fun to jumpstart your creative juices.

4. Do Not Save the Best for Last.

After you’ve given thanks, fueled up, and are ready to work, jump right into your biggest task of the day. Why? Overcoming that mountain of a project, before you’ve had the chance to become tired and discouraged, will help the rest of your day look great by comparison.
Or, if not the biggest task, choose the one you are most excited for. Then you can transition right into your art without having to psych yourself up for the more dreary tasks of running an art business. Use that excitement to your advantage to get things done!

5. Stick to the List.

Make a list every night before leaving your studio, of the top three tasks you want to accomplish the next day, then use it to start your mornings.
This is a great idea because it keeps you focused and sets you in motion, all without having to fight a groggy morning brain to develop a plan for the day.

¡Now you can win your morning routine!

A bad start to the day can affect the quality of your work.  Don’t let your mornings get the best of you. Stick with a routine that will help increase your positivity, energy, creativity, focus, and more.